Sunday, July 18, 2010

I am sitting in front of my computer trying to figure out what to name and then put in this blog. I am currently doing a writing course at CARIMAC where one of our assignments is to create a blog. This whole social media thing, putting your life out there for all to see scares me that is why I haven't been what is called an early adopter (to use a marketing term -someone who tries new technology when it first comes out) rather I am a laggard (someone who tries new technology last). Don't ask how long it took for me to get a cellphone. :-) Please remember this is Jamaica and we got cellphones late, I am not that old. ;-)
I created a Facebook page quite a while back because I had broken up with my boyfriend and a friend was encouraging me to try it out so I could meet people and reconnect with old friends. I put up the page and months later I still had not checked it. I must admit though, I have tried it a few times since and I have "seen" people I haven't "seen" in years so that has been fun. As for this Farmville phenomenon ??? Yeah, it's fun but where do people find the time?? I work full time, I have a child and family to care for; I guess I am not their demographic. I know people who are addicted to it though, again I ask where do they find the time?

Talking about addiction. There is a "Craze" and I do mean "Craze" called a Crackberry in Jamaica which most people might know as a Blackberry or BB. I mean I understand it has internet and Blackberry Messenger (BBM) and you can go so far as publishing magazines etc. with it but IT'S A TOOL PEOPLE! You see people at parties all night using their BBs, go figure, there are people all around you to "interact" with. Is technology slowly but surely taking away our one-on-one interactions and the only time we will "see" each other is through a camera/computer screen or "talk" to each other is through a keyboard/mic?

I was reading an article the other day, "Tech firms aim to keep cell phone users from walking into things while texting", cellphone manufacturers have to be putting safety features in cellphones because people are walking into traffic etc. while using their phones and getting seriously injured???????????? HUH???????? Emergency rooms are reporting increasing incidents of this happening.

All that being said social media can be a very useful networking, public relations and marketing tool. You just have to watch where you walk :-) and what information you put out there, lest you get fired, get in trouble with your girl/boyfriend or friends etc. Also I have been meeting people who use social media and are very excited by it so that is getting me excited.

Anyway, back to my dilemma what to put in this blog? My teacher said choose a topic and run with that, something I am very interested in so I would keep posting and people would follow me. Well I have decided on "My Jamaican Experience" that just about sums up everything. That way I can talk about any and everything and not limit myself to anyone topic, keep it interesting and lively. It has the added bonus of being able to share Jamaica and all it has to offer with a very wide audience

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